


大学の世界展開力強化事業 「金沢大学ロシア同窓会」事務所看板の除幕式を開催

“Kanazawa University Russian Alumni Association” Opening Ceremony Successfully Completed

金沢大学ロシア同窓会設立に伴い,86日,金沢大学国際部において,同窓会事務所の看板序幕式を開催しました。除幕式では,山崎光悦学長から,「ロシアからの留学生が集い,金沢で培った人的ネットワークを深める場とするとともに,日露の交流発展の促進に役立ててほしい」と挨拶があり,その後,学生アンバサダーのViktoriia Vovkさんが在学中のロシア人留学生を代表して感謝の言葉を述べました。


引き続き,山崎学長とロシア人留学生との懇談会も行われ,懇談会には同同窓会事務所に導入された遠隔会議機材を活用して,同同窓会会長のカザン連邦大学Dmitrii Tayurskii副学長がオンライン出席したほか,修了生もロシア各地からオンライン接続し,各自の近況を伝えあいました。



On July 6, we held opening ceremony for our new established "Kanazawa University Russian Alumni Association" office. In the beginning of this event, President Dr. YAMAZAKI Koetsu gave a remark and said "We hope lots of our Russian alumnus to get together in this room and will further deepen their network cultivated in Kanazawa. I believe that this alumni association would contribute to develop further achievement between Japan-Russia exchange".

Afterwards, Ms. VOVK Victoriia, a student ambassador expressed her gratitude on behalf of the Russian students who are currently studying at Kanazawa University.

Establishment of this Russian Alumni Association is one of the important measures in Inter-University Exchange Project entitled “Training Program for Russian-Japan Innovative Leaders of Tomorrow”, which was started in August 2017.

Until now, the other overseas alumni association have been centered to function as a platform for the graduates, but this Russian Alumni Association will invite persons from both Russia and Japan, who are closely related with Russian Universities and Kanazawa University, to create the exchange platform and stay connected with each other.

A round-table meeting followed the ceremony and Russian students had a talk with president about their recent situation. Furthermore, Prof. TAYURSKII Dmitry, Vice President of Kazan Federal University, and other Russian graduates also attended this meeting through online from their location.

Due to the COVID-19 the travel between both countries were restricted, but even in this difficult situation, we were able to make up real-time bilateral exchanges through new online approach, and we believe this event is one of the significant examples for future exchange.
