



Russia - Japan Medical Symposium Takes Place in Krasnoyarsk

21日には,シンポジウム参加者が見守るなかで,本学子どものこころの発達研究センター東田陽博特任教授の新たな研究室Krasnoyarsk - Kanazawa Research Station – Social Brain Labの開所式が盛大に行われました。その後は,神経系・薬学系の研究分野2グループに分かれて,参加者らが各自の研究について発表を行い,ディスカッションでは活発に意見が交わされました。

On September 20th and 21st, Kanazawa University and the Russian partner universities involved in the project “Training Program for Russia-Japan Innovative Leaders of Tomorrow” hosted the Russia-Japan Medical Symposium in the fields of medical and pharmaceutical sciences at Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky. Four faculty and 4 graduate students from Kanazawa University, and faculty and graduate students from the cooperating Russian universities participated in the event.
On September 20th, the first day of the symposium, the Japanese and Russian graduate students made poster presentations at a pre-symposium event. The chairpersons awarded the poster prize to the graduate students who made the best presentations including 2 graduate students from Kanazawa University. Rector Ivan P. Artyukhov of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University gave the opening remarks, and the researchers from Kanazawa University and the Russian partner universities presented their researches.
On September 21st, the second day of the symposium, the Opening Ceremony of Krasnoyarsk - Kanazawa Research Station – Social Brain Lab - under the supervision of Prof. Haruhiro Higashida, Research Center for Child Mental Development, Kanazawa University, took place with the symposium participants as witnesses. After the ceremony, the researchers from two nations presented their researches in two groups classified by nervous system and pharmacy system. During the discussion, they actively exchanged their opinions.

Awardees of the poster prize

Opening remarks from the Rector of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Prof. Ivan P. Artyukhov

Krasnoyarsk - Kanazawa Research Station – Social Brain Labの開所式
Opening Ceremony of the Krasnoyarsk - Kanazawa Research Station – Social Brain Lab

Group Photograph

2018年10月4日 クラスノヤルスク医科大学Webサイト掲載記事
2018年9月21日 東田陽博特任教授が総括するLaboratory for Social Brain Studiesがクラスノヤルスク医科大学で始動

2018年9月20日 ロシア連邦保健省Webサイト掲載記事
2018年9月20日 東田陽博特任教授がクラスノヤルスク医科大学でPlenary Lectureをしました
