



Kick-off for opening for Alumni Association & Japan-Russia Joint Symposium 2020: Inter-University Exchange Project was held

金沢大学ロシア同窓会設立を記念して,929日,世界展開力(ロシア)事業ジョイントシンポジウム(オンライン)を開催しました。本シンポジウムは同窓会キックオフイベントと,文化交流/理工/医薬の個別シンポジウムからなる二部制で実施され,第一部では, 山崎光悦学長のビデオメッセージとともに,金沢ロシア同窓会のドミトリー・タユルスキー会長(カザン連邦大学副学長)が,状況が許せば2021年にカザン連邦大学で同窓会総会を開催できたら嬉しいと今後への期待を述べられました。その後,アラ・サルミナ副会長(クラスノヤルスク医科大学副学長)による,両国・両校の交流実績の紹介に続き,学生アンバサダーのヴィクトリア・ヴォフクさんが同窓会の概要を紹介しました。同窓会および同窓会事務所の除幕式の様子についてはこのサイトでも公開しています(。

To commemorate the establishment of Kanazawa University Russia Alumni Association, a joint symposium on Inter-University Project was held online on September 29.
This symposium was featured in two parts; a kick-off event for the Kanazawa University Russian Alumni Association followed by three parallel symposiums on Cultural Exchange, Basic & Advanced Science and Technology, and Preventive medicine.
As an opening, our president Koetsu Yamazaki gave a video message to celebrate this event. And after that, Prof. Dmitrii Tayurskii (Vice-president, Kazan Federal University) expressed his hope to have a big gathering of alumni association in KFU in 2021. Next, Prof. Alla Salmina (vice-President, Krasnoyarsk Medical University) also introduced the exchange history between two countries and two universities.
To conclude the first part, an overview of Alumni Association was explained by the student ambassador Ms. Viktoriia Vovk. Videos which played in this session are now also available in this website(
In the second part, the symposium was divided into three programs in parallel and each group held own program to deepen exchanges with people who have been involved in our international activities for many years.
It has became usual to exchange with people using an online platform however, we start to realize importance of face-to-face exchanges these days. From this event, we renewed our awareness of the way of reasonable combination of online and actual visit in the near future.


【文化交流プログラム Program for Cultural Exchange Program Course】

文化交流シンポジウムは、「ユネスコエコパーク、ジオパーク、世界遺産をプラットフォームとするSDGs達成に向けた地域教育」をテーマに、日露大学、地域、大学コンソーシアム石川そ     れぞれの代表者および、プログラム参加学生が、日露両国で行われている教育実践を、地域団体や石川ロシア大学交流コンソーシアムの活動例も含めて紹介しました。また、全体プログラム終了後は学生交流セッションとして、学生が作成した動画や日本語学習に関する取り組みを発表しました。

For the Cultural Exchange Program we held the international symposium named "UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, Geoparks and World Heritage Sites, as platforms to conduct the regional education towards SDGs". The representatives from the Kazan Federal University, Altai State University of Russia, members of Russian Katunskiy BR and Japanese Mount Hakusan BR, and the representative of Ishikawa-Russian University Consortium (Kanazawa Institute of Technology and Hokuriku Gakuin College), and the students who have participated in the exchange programs introduced their activities and experiences.After the general program, we had a breakout-session for the students in which students from both countries shared the group videos created as a part of online cultural exchange program.

【基礎科学プログラム・先端科学技術プログラム Program for Basic Science & Advanced Science and Technology Courses】


Japan-Russia Joint Symposium 2020: Basic Science & Advanced Science and Technology was held online from 4:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. (JST) on Tuesday, 29 September.
The symposium started from the summary report on Basic Science Program & Advanced Science and Technology Program. Next, each of KU and Russian faculty member from Kazan Federal University, Far Eastern Federal University, Saint Petersburg State University and Lomonosov Moscow State University in the 4 fields of Mathematics and Physics, Chemistry, Environmental studies and Geoscience, introduced their research system and distinctive research results. Then, the symposium was divided into four fields and mainly students gave a presentation on their researches. Participants actively exchanged their opinion, and it was an event that will lead to the acceleration of future exchanges.

【先制医療プログラム Program for Preventive Medicine Course】


Japan-Russia Joint Symposium 2020: Medical Sciences was held online from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (JST) on Tuesday, 29 September.
The symposium started with the opening remarks from Prof. Alexey V. Protopopov , the rector of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University and Prof. Andrey Kiyasov, the vice-rector of Kazan Federal University Then, five professors (KU, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Kazan Federal University, and KFU-RIKEN) gave oral presentation (including Q&A) in the first session.
In the second session, Japanese and Russian students in Kanazawa presented their research.Participants actively exchanged their opinion and thoughts. It was a symposium that will lead to the acceleration of further exchanges between both countries. 
