Activity Report


Activity report 19-27.06.2018

Ilya Kazantsev

R.M.Gorbacheva Memorial Hospital for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation; I.P.Pavlov Saint-Petersburg First State Medical University

Preventive Medicine Program

I have spent most useful time in Neurosurgery department under supervision of professor Nakada. Although its area of research is quite fire from the one I am working in, it is always good to experience something new. Perhaps, I could use the knowledge further in my practice. With the help of Dr. Sabit and her colleagues I was able to get acquainted with many methods used to assess the morphology and biology of CNS tumors. The preclinical exploits of Neurosurgery lab are most impressing. The Animal center is grand, there is a variety of species available and there are most pieces of equipment to conduct experiments on animal models, from mice to primates. I was also able to witness professor Nakada communicating with patients and teaching students, really magnificent in both these areas. As a practicing physician and an tutor I was able to learn much from his conduct.

Although I stayed mostly in the University clinic even the shortest walks outside in the city were memorable. Japan is different from Russia in many ways and the ability of Japanese people to treasure and nurture beauty of life in small things is incredible. The communication with people with cultural background so different from my own is also a challenge and a reward in itself.

During the weekend I tried to experience Japan as fully as possible. The traditional Japanese food, the rural beauty of Shirakawa-go, the magnificence of Kenroku-en leave a lingering presence. These things are extremely important for understanding the beauty of Japanese culture. The hospitality of my colleagues from Kanazawa University is incredible, I should always treasure it.  

Although my stay in Hematology department under supervision of professor Nakao, with whom I was previously only familiar via his published work, was short, I think it was most prolific. Professor Nakao’s great knowledge and personality is an example to strife for. The work on deciphering the pathogenesis of bone marrow aplasia is really unique and gives valuable insights on possible pathogenesis of leukemia. I have made many contacts, which hopefully will give a rise to prolific communication between my clinic and University and colleagues in Kanazawa and I am proud of being able to share our own results in treatment of patients with neuroblastoma.  The skills I was able to obtain during lab work will surtainly prove useful for me in the future.

As a whole, this short visit to Japan (the first one for me) was both educating and extremely pleasant. I’ll do anything possible to expand the contacts I formed so that they could serve for the benefit of both our institutions.

A picture together with professor Nakada and Marina Izumi on the final day of my stay in Neurosurgery department.

The lanscape and beauty of nature in Shirokawa-go.
