Activity Report


Challenging Experience in Moscow

Ryohei Nagase

Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University

Basic Science Program

Lomonosov Moscow State University

 I will talk about my experiences of short study abroad in Moscow. Study abroad in Moscow was challenging for me.

 My laboratory was similar with my major. However, I did not have enough time to do research there unfortunately. But instead, I got a precious chance to do presentation in English about my study in Japan. I received many comments and advices, and the professor of that laboratory introduced his study. These were appropriate advices that gave me new thoughts and ideas. Also, seeing enthusiastic students in that laboratory inspired me.

 In this study abroad, I was able to act independently in overseas, especially non-English-speaking country. I’m much more confident. It broadened my world. I felt that I want to see the world much more.

 I really appreciate office workers and professors in Kanazawa University who provided me with great experiences like this program.

final day in MSU

St Basil's Cathedral

Red square
