Activity Report


Interaction with students at Irkutsk University

Rina Takagi

School of Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kanazawa University

Cultural Exchange Program

Far Eastern Federal University, Irkutsk State University

We interacted with students from Irkutsk University. 

First, we heard presentations about Irkutsk University and the spread of Japanese culture in Russia.  Among them, I was touched by the students studying Japanese at presenting hard in Japanese. A big applause was sent to the Russian students effort that continued to present in Japanese without giving up despite words clogged up.

Next, we Kanazawa University students gave a presentation about Kanazawa University, and the Russian students listened to it very interestingly. 

Then, we divided into 5 groups and introduced Japanese culture. We got Russian students to actually experience themselves. In introducing Origami and Japanese music, calligraphy, Kendama, I introduced Kendama in my group. The Russian students were having a challenge to Kendama in a fun way. I got to tell them how to become a good skill and I was able to get along with them.
